Chikoo (Sapota)

₹ 49.00


Chikoo commonly called Sapota which is called the powerhouse of nourishment that keeps the bone strong and healthy. Once you start to consume regularly, you will not require any medicines in the future. This is the best fruit that we can feed toddlers

Nutritional Values

Dietary Fibre, Vitamins, Antioxidants

Health Benefits

  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Soften hair and make skin glow
  • Energy provider
  • Controls Blood pressure
Place of Origin

Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and west bengal

Shelf Life

At Room temperature 5-7days; Under Refrigeration 10 days.


Please note that the fruits are semi-ripe or unripened to avoid artificial ripening process and damages during transportation. The colours and quantity of the products you receive may differ due to factors like harvesting, transferring and handling.